Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Happiness is looking into my daughters eyes or hearing her giggle with excitement. I feel the happiest when I don’t have to worry about the stresses of homework, work, bills, tests, and all that goes into buying a house and I can just let loose and have fun with my sweet Gabby girl.
Certain smells make me happy. When I walk into a room and smell anything baking I get happy or when I smell fresh roses my mood shifts for the better. I am also the happiest when something that I have put so much effort into comes together. Like when I feel like I accomplished something at work or I finally have a staff that will cover the craziness of Sunday morning childcare. Or when I get a big test done and do well on it or FINALLY feeling like I understand what we are doing in math.

I see so much happiness through Gabby. She is just a ray of sunshine in this dark world. She is so sweet and kind and always giving me compliments or picking me flowers. How I wish the world was as simple as she thinks it is. To children, the world is simple. They don’t or shouldn’t have the stresses that adults do. Gabby can always find the good in things or make a game out of the most boring times. We will be waiting somewhere and she can figure out how to make believe something that I never dreamed possible. I thank God every day for her. She is the one person in this world who can make me happy no matter what. Even though there are times where I want to yell(which happens) or scream and don’t know what to do with her, then she gives me a hug and tells me how much she loves me and is sorry that she dipped my bucket and all is well in this world.  

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