Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Asking my daughter what her favorite color is, you will get the answer, I like pink, purple, blue, yellow, black and white. Like most 4 year olds, she loves every color but when she colors a picture so perfectly for her age, I notice that the majority of them have blue more than any other color. She uses it for the sky, someone’s hair color, for the dog’s nose, or the entire background. She has to color in such detail and make it as colorful as she can. I always hear from people, “Wow! She is so artistic.” Or “Gabby is very talented!” I ask her to color me a picture of her favorite things and she almost always says, “Ok mom, I am going to color blue first, then purple, then green, then pink.” She has her way of doing things and often does not like to shy away from it. I am not a fan of her coming home and having blue paint all down the back of her jeans, which are one of the only pairs that are not too big around the waist and are just long enough that they don’t look like capris.

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